Physical Comedy Workshop

Physical and Funny Comedy Workshop

Sunday 22 September 2pm-5pm
Phoenix Arts Centre


Physical Comedy Workshop.....

How do we write funny with our bodies? What is the key to creating laughter? We will explore these questions and others in this physically engaging and energetic session. We aim to extend your skills no matter your current performance skills/limitations.

This workshop will begin to explore comedy through the perspective of the clown - the ultimate physical performer. You will be introduced to the power of mime, gestures, double takes, ‘failure’, solo and partner work, rhythm, reactions and timing. Feeling happy to share your language and thoughts with each other is a key part to clowning and generating a dynamic relationship with others.

So stop thinking and maximize your physical comic potential. Give voice to physical humour and expression. Create a context and make short funny pieces using physical games and activities. 

Suitable for both experienced and beginners - actors, comedians, poets, dancers and those who want some space to explore their individual physical style.

Join us and have fun whilst writing comedy with your body.

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