Unlocking Lockdown with Laughter
2020 has been a trying year to say the least; some whispers collude to a decades worth of adversities in only six, short, months.
And while our communities are slowing being released from the vice of lockdown: shopping and High Streets re-opening, teaching online is still a prominent mode of communication, business and social interactions.
We're always learning, and at Comedy Matters we have learned a lot during lockdown: how to speak to camera, how to express ones self; how to address a Zoom audience and be playful - how to create comedy tension, and, GET THE LAUGHS!
Naturally, we are not completely unlocked from these challenging times, and we are still practicing social distancing. But we are still able to get up-close, personal - laugh - through our devices (for a plethora of reasons).
So do take a look at the upcoming classes
Funny Women's Time Of The Month workshop & a chance to gig: Mon 22 June - BOOK HERE
TGIF Topical Comedy Class FRI 26 June: 7.30-9pm: A Have I Got News For You/MASH Report style workshop
There will be characters to build; comedy improv , starting points and lots of creative exercises and techniques to whet the comedy pen nib.
Comedy characters are a fab way of saying the unsayable - they can act as a mask.
So what does ‘writing YOUR comedy character’ mean? It’s simple... is there a person who you have always wanted to emulate, invite ‘in’ for the day – have fun with? This workshop is the perfect place to experiment with those invisible friends we are either too scared to explore, or perhaps do not know how to bring to life.Maggie will teach you the basics of getting to know these characters better; introducing the NEW, the ARCHETYPE – and the POPULAR, by playing with Myths, Spitting Image, Drop the Dead Donkey and French and Saunders as animated examples to work with and develop your own on/off stage personas.
What will you learn?
How to create characters from scratch that are two dimensional and complement the person you wish to ‘let-out-of-the-box’.
For example: A sturdy, money-orientated, expressionless and mean Wall Street banker – who quivers at the sight of kittens (be it a love of, or a fear of).
These new comedy get-togethers are on the last Friday of each month - 7.30- 9pm and aim to give you something to ‘takeaway’ with you: a new skill, perspective - character.
To Womb it My Concern - Women's character and clowning class (in collaboration with Exeter Phoenix): SAT 27 June: 10.30am- 4.30pm
For women who want to explore and develop their comedy persona, characters, and clowning, within a context.
What makes something funny and how do we write it? Find out on this fun, informative and dynamic workshop. This class focuses on the art of stand-up and how we might include clowning skills, and starting points such as myth, archetype and popular characters, to create strong, relatable and definable characters in a performance.
We will use physical language, emotional responses, models, and writing techniques to help generate believable characters. How might you include this new creation in an online or on-stage set?
The day will be structured by writing and editing material, practicing your newly discovered character (s) – followed by an end of day ‘sharing of your ideas’.
Morning and Evening Options for Writing and Performing Comedy Class: Mon 29 Jun 2020 - Fri 03 Jul 2020 | 7pm-9pm (in collaboration with Exeter Phoenix)

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