Giving back to my community


Comedy can't cure everything...

... but it can help! 

Comedy Matters News: January 2021

Let's increase confidence, laughter and communication together


With another Lockdown, some people are struggling. A BBC article reveals how it has 'had 'major impact' on mental health', whereby 'certain groups are said to be particularly at risk, including young people and women,' and this has had a profound effect on me.

Mental Health often lies silent... but it can have dreadful outcomes when not addressed, supported or identified.

The New Year is supposed to be about change and resolutions - but this isn't the case for everyone. Sometimes isolation and loneliness makes the struggle to be positive really difficult. Which is why I have been thinking about what I could do to help and how I could offer an outlet (s) for anyone who is feeling low and could do with a pick-me-up, and/or some community support.

So I have created two free, separate and different meet ups that aim to build a supportive community for anyone interested. One is for West Country Women + In Comedy and the other is for local Exmouth people.

All attendees 18+

If you, or someone you are aware of could benefit from learning/using comedy strategies that could help to improve your mood and create connections with others, please pass this newsletter on.

Please check out the links below and see which session is appropriate for you as they are different. 

Links below also include a paid-for 6 week, intensive, online comedy course, and a women's one day Clowning and Comedy workshop - both aimed at developed/extending comedy skills for professional or personal use.

Comedy isn't a cure all but the free meet ups are only short sessions and could make a difference. I will chat about the power of smiling and laughter and encourage you to watch or take part in some easy activities that you can use to bring a smile to yourself and others. 

Exmouth Humour4Health Meet Up

Wed, 20 Jan 2021 19:30

West County Women + In Comedy Meet Up
Wed, 27 Jan 2021 19:30 - 20.30pm

Other Available Classes:

Sign up for Mon 11 Jan 6 wk course HERE

Sign up for Sat 16 Jan women's w/shop HERE

As usual, thank you to all, for support... 2021 is finally here - here's hoping the 'wonky' doesn't last all year! Reach out, stay connected - get in touch.

Maggie and the Comedy Matters team :)







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