Hello bikers, hikers and climate saving fighters...
Global emissions remain at record high levels and the world is on track to warming well in excess of 2°C, with intensifying climate damages. Yikes!
It was because of this knowledge / awareness that I signed up for the University of Exeter Enterprise Zone funded workshop and EDDC (and other regions): Towards Network Zero for Your Business. If you haven’t thought too much about sustainability and making your business green(er) then NOW is a VERY good time to think about an action plan.
Key action: do the data on where you are now in terms of energy, transport and waste and then look at how you might improve drastically on these topics to head towards zero. Recycling, reusing, and reducing play a part and asking other companies you work with what they are doing, encourages changes in habits.
Auditing isn’t one of my favourite words, but to play my part in reducing the steaming hot temperatures that we will undoubtedly endure, then I will find the pleasure (haha) in reviewing what I do now and in the future. Like riding my bike everywhere I can; I thought four seater bikes or a foot driven car - Anthill Mob (wacky Races - who remembers them?) - style might work, but I doubt Shell and BP et al would approve!
All those living through the menopause - just think about those night sweats with an added 2%! On a plus, it's saving me on fuel bills through these cold Winter months, and my HRT gel. Phew!
It’s coming to everyone – will be mandatory, so I am informed – so let’s do this. Please share any tips for heading to zero as there is no definitive blueprint. Would love to hear about your own decarbonisation contributions / ideas. Ta.
With reductions in mind, the price for the Wom+n’s Clowning and Comedy Workshop at Exeter Phoenix, in March will remain at the lower prices of £65 General Admission and £50 Concession. (Book through Exeter Phoenix to avoid Eventbrite fees, if you prefer.)
See links below.
As usual, big thanks and love from Maggie and the Comedy Matters team - and have a great week :)
6 Week Online Stand Up Comedy Course
Wednesday 15 March 7-9pm
Eventbrite links below - or click here for Exeter Phoenix
Saturday 18 March at exeterphoenix 10am - 4.30pm

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