The Happiness Plan
Hello one and all...
The Saxons called February “Sol-monath” which means “cake month,” because they would offer cakes to the gods during February. (yum!)
In 713 B.C. the length of February was finalised when Julius Caesar remade the Roman calendar and assigned the month 28 days and 29 days. (I wonder who upset him with a birthday on the 29th? Or perhaps it was his way to ensure a prolonged youth?)
In Welsh, February is sometimes known as “y mis bach,” which means “little month.”
It is also referred to as the dreariest month of the year... so, when this fun February Happiness action plan popped up in my news feed, and suggested I share it - I thought 'what a great idea!'
Looking back over the action plan for the last 6 days I seem to have done them all apart from having a friendly chat with a neighbour, and today’s action - get back in touch with an old friend you've not seen for a while...
Best be asking questions tomorrow on the 7th. Is it your birthday?
Loving the levels of laughter at my weekly comedy classes. Thanks everyone. Hope to see some of you in Exeter, at my next Phoenix Clowning workshop, or let’s catch up online.
NEW! Reduced price for the Wom+n’s Clowning and Comedy Workshop at Exeter Phoenix, in March. (Book through Exeter Phoenix to avoid Eventbrite fees, if you prefer.)
See links below.
As usual, big thanks and love from Maggie and the Comedy Matters team - and have a great week :)
6 Week Online Stand Up Comedy Course
Wednesday 15 March 7-9pm
Eventbrite links below - or click here for Exeter Phoenix
Saturday 18 March at exeterphoenix 10am - 4.30pm

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