Blocked Passages?

Getting lost was good for me!
Could it help you, too?

Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash

Roadblocks, detours, and delays
Last Saturday, I picked a parcel up from Next, at Exe Bridges. This was my third attempt. The previous two attempts reeked of divine intervention. At least when looking back.

Exmouth to Exeter and back again is a familiar road trip – I’ve done it thousands of times. Considering how busy the road can get, I’ve had surprisingly few problems with bottle-necked traffic in both directions. But then I did - on two consecutive Thursdays, and then the Saturday after. It took me one hour and twenty minutes to get home!

It felt odd. I felt I ought to take note and listen – but take note of what?

I had sat in traffic for too long, and not being the world’s most patient of people in these situations, I came up with a new perspective. Change route, Maggie!

I u-turned and found the ‘Road Less Travelled’ (even Robert Frost’s poem of the same name had a double-meaning): beautiful country lanes, verges filled with primroses, buzzards circling over me – and...

A hassle-free direct route home... a nudge in a different direction. 

A sign that the universe was carrying out damage control, to reposition me on the right path.  

I also had a EUREKA moment.

Just recently I have challenged my own steadfast and reliable route in my work life, by introducing new courses, ones that I should have taught years ago - Feminist clowning.

It's what I researched and what I do. I have no idea why I didn't do it years ago - I had an internal 
(rigid articulated lorry) blockage; I kicked the driver out (sorry Lucy if you're reading this), and I took control of the wheel. 

The diversions that had taken me on a new route home felt like a metaphor for changing direction, and re-newed gumption – even when I wasn’t sure where it would lead...

Was it intuition, divine intervention, or just plain old time to reflect on what the universe was trying to say?

How many times have you had a sign for what direction you should take in life?

Maggie (I), ALWAYS DEVIATING, and ‘The World’s Greatest Procrastinator’, has gone from ‘getting lost’ to making-real her passion of teaching clowning/comedy and now feminist clowning, without getting lost again - a reality. And it is such fun... 

I LOVE IT and all the wonderful clowns/feminists I am meeting.

On that note, have a wonderful week/weekend. And look out for signs of your own. The Universe speaks!


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