HRT anyone?


Photo by Sam Barber - Unsplash
Image: Sam Barber - Unsplash


Holiday ❋ Rest β‹ Time-out
Yes pleeeeease!  

Apparently there are several health benefits of taking a holiday; DECREASED BURNOUT benefit interests me at the moment because I'm always borderline with this one!

You may have heard of the Oxygen Mask Rule: "Secure your masks before assisting others." Meaning that in order to help others you must first look after yourself. 

It struck me last week, driving up the motorway (to a family wedding) - hot and sticky, tired and in a rush - absolutely tiddling down, (the M5 and M6 motorways looked like someone had let the bath water out!) that the previous few weeks where the sun has been glorious, I have been stuck in traffic or working, but also that the weather is/was/and seems to be as erratic and unpredictable as half the drivers on the road. Global warming... and a terrible lack of self care.

Harry Venning 2019

I thought back to a class I taught, where I asked participants to anthropomorphize an animal that could tell a humorous story highlighting the effects of global warming and the way in which these issues might affect it. I imagined what animal I might be, and whether or not Noah's Ark might be involved: a goat, dining al-fresco in the mountains of the Lake District; a sandbank seal basking in the sun - or a butterfly just bobbing in the summer thermals.

In reality, I am more like a cat on a hot brick (a really jumpy cat and a searing-hot brick 😹). And I'm a little older than I used to be πŸ˜‰; I need holidays and rest and time-out more than ever. I may bask on some sandy banks if the fine weather continues... please don't phone Greenpeace to chuck me back in. πŸ˜‚ πŸ³

So now that some of us are in 'actual summer holiday' mode, I am keeping August free of teaching. Instead I will play, be creative, possibly entertain and schedule-in some rest to take that much needed time-out. September, everything will fire up again, so see if any of the classes below take your fancy.

What do you plan on doing in order to get some much needed H❋R❋T? Or what animal would you like to embody? Let us know...

We'll be looking at animals, the environment and humour in our next run of workshops/classes in Sept.

From Maggie and the Comedy Matters team :)

NEW! Comedy and Clowning Course: Craft & Gig

8 Week Feminist Clowning Course: 

NEW! IN-PERSON Feminist Clowning and Comedy Workshop at the Exeter Phoenix


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