How much do you love it?
How much do you love it?
Expressing pleasure and gratitude is so healthy - a gift to oneself and others. Thank you lovely people for reading and responding to our newsletters, for supporting Comedy Matters and for some - for taking the plunge and doing the comedy courses. Bravo.
Comedy often works alongside pain and tragedy. It provides relief. Catharsis. People who work in comedy develop fine skills in observation, listening, playing with words, scenarios and outcomes. They are tuned in to people, inanimate objects, places, detail, and more.
Comedians, well all of us really, need a toolkit to stay well, and I am no different. Expressing pleasure is one tactic, and laughter is a number one tool.
I loved it that the other day when I did 'fake-it-to-make-it' laughter to improve my mood as I was stressed and overwhelmed - and as expected, it worked a treat.
I create a daily “I loved it…” list - here are a few - do you have any?
I loved it when asked at Exmouth Winter Festival to conduct some impromptu singing on stage, I belted out Wham’s Last Christmas, with actions, looking like Noddy Holder but performing as Ebecleaner Scrooge – with a touch of the Mad Hatter! What a random and eclectic montage!
I loved watching a young boy dancing outdoors in his PJs, dressing gown and trainers to the last few songs of The Liberty Sisters.
I loved it that I was back on the stage performing.
I loved it that so many friends and loved ones supported me on a very cold and drizzly evening.
Why not reflect back on today, last week or even year, what have you loved? And on a serious note, if you are having a bad day, do try some fake laughter – it helped me enormously.
Look out for my Madvent videos on Facebook and perhaps join us for next year’s laughter fest of comedy courses. Most of all take care of yourself in anyway that keeps you smiling - create a wellness toolkit :)
Hope to see people come to classes in January – online and in a workshop studio - Exeter Phoenix.
As usual, thanks to all… and look forward to seeing some of you next year!
From Maggie and the Comedy Matters team :)
Drop me a line or follow the links if any of our upcoming classes/workshops take your fancy. Or purchase a class as a Christmas gift with a difference :)
New Year 6 Week Comedy Writing Course: Craft + Gig 17 Jan
New! Contemporary Clowning Workshop - Exeter Phoenix 29 Jan
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