What sort is it?
Vroom, vroom!
I’m buying a new car...
Well actually, it’s my mum’s last car – she has finally surrendered her driving licence, at 93.
When people ask, “What sort of car is it?” I tell them the colour. It’s all that matters, isn’t it? If you’re interested, it’s a 2012, 5 door, petrol, 47 MPG, INKY BLACK, Skoda Fabia, only 50,000 miles on the clock.
My first car was blood red– a hot Datsun Sunny. But my favourite was my island blue Austin Mini. Sadly, I was attacked by a maroon Austin Allegro – the driver was plucking his brows, honest, and that was the end of my nippy number.
SAY WHAT YOU SEE (or feel, or like)!

Adverts paint pictures with colour in all kinds of ways, and how they are written can very much allure, entice and delay the scrolling-by of potential customers. The same can be said for writing comedy - it's ALL in the imagery YOU create!
Rich and descriptive writing can do wonders, if done correctly. It helps those who read or listen to identify with it more personally. (But don't over-do it, nobody has time to know why your chair is a strong, sturdy, off-white, white-washed wooden, 30 year old retro-chic interpretation of a french Bergère, which are often referred to as classic, comfortable and versatile.)
Advert ALERT!
My current, and much loved, cared-for and enjoyed, silver-grey-fox-of-a-metal-box, a sterling Skoda Labia - I mean Fabia, is NOW officially for sale. Only £1,200. Please get in touch for more details if you’re interested… only three owners – one’s a clown!
So it's now all change. Sometimes I like it - other times I'm not so sure. I'll certainly miss driving Daisy - we have had so much fun together! But I'm also looking forward to getting a new companion for my jaunts and long journeys.
September is set to bring new changes too; it is a new term for comedy classes. Jump in the driving seat and take off on a fresh journey. Join us for some in-person and online classes – tell your stories - and make them bright and beautiful.
According to past participants the classes are:
“A massive confidence boost.” Kristian.
“Great boost to confidence. Loved everything. Feel I can give it a go.” Linda.
As usual, big thanks and love from Maggie and the Comedy Matters team :)
Stand Up / Clowning Workshop
at the Exeter Phoenix:
Saturday 10 September 2022, 10:00 - 4.30
And also our next online stand up comedy course: (BOOKING FAST!)
Starts Wed 7 Sep - 12 Oct 7 - 9pm

and finally - 2023 workshops:
Image Matt Austin

Paint image: Photo by David Pisnoy on Unsplash
Starts Wed 7 Sep - 12 Oct 7 - 9pm

SEP 27: In-person at the Cellar Bar, City Gate Hotel, Exeter
Stand Up - Intensive 6 week course

and finally - 2023 workshops:
Jan 11
NEW! Feminist Clowning Course

Image Matt Austin
6 Week Stand up comedy course online

Paint image: Photo by David Pisnoy on Unsplash
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