The Season of Ticks...


Photo by Erik Karits on Unsplash


NOT those kind of ticks; these kind: ✔️

How many ticks do you give yourself at work, or when you have achieved daily tasks? 
I like ticks – they cheer me up. I write a list of things to do at the start of a day or week and I love the moment I tick it / them off – especially tasks I really don’t want to do for example: updating my accounts, completing GOV forms and ironing; I really do find these type of tasks mind-numbingly painful. Ticking is a strategy I employ to prevent procrastination, which can happen quite regularly... ooh look dirty skirting boards... I think I will clean those - whoops - a bit off displacement activity! What are your skirting boards like? ðŸ˜‚

I do like working under pressure. But last minute mad planning or moreover action that is Adrenalin packed can be very stressful also.

So I tick away...
Things to tick or that I have ticked off this past week:

Update accounts ✔️ (Died slowly doing this)

Find young film trainee who wants experience in making / editing films 

Publish October online Feminist Clowning Workshop ✔️

Edit video for Torbay Ageing Wellness Festival ✔️ (Had so much fun doing this task - and learned loads)

Plan teaching session for Marjon University ✔️

Plan next week’s Powerpoint for Marjon University session

Buy a yellow bucket ✔️ (not a ribbon this time - if you know the song)

Create an online mime class for Thursday comedy workshop ✔️

Buy a new passport

Contact Exeter Phoenix re classroom clowning workshops

Buy hiking boots

Arrange to go hiking

Walk up the stairs two at a time ✔️

Buy a new passport (double reminder – not that I am going anywhere soon).

There’s more - lots more. And things on this list might not happen for a while, some will happen later today, but boy when I give them a ✔️ it will make me so happy!
Do you like ticks? I used to reward myself with endless cups of tea and a yummy chocolate truffle from M&S. However this clashed with my ticks for reducing my waistline

It’s not just a tick, it’s a tip top tick. 

What do you use?

Drop me a line or follow the links below.

As usual, thanks to all…

From Maggie and the Comedy Matters team :)

Feminist Clowning Club Workshop Online Monday 18 October 


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